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Long before the creation of Labex, researchers from MILYON laboratories commited themselves daily in outreach actions of mathematical and computer sciences culture amongst the greater audience, teachers and students. This approach is fully asserted by researchers, whether it be individual or collective.

The "outreach" axis of MILYON is called to federate et coordonate all of exisiting initiatives and amplify them, notably by the creation of the House of Mathematics and Computer Sciences.

Indeed, since March 2014, HMCP offers a "roof" to all the academics activities of math/info outreach organized by laboratories in lyon and its region. It gave a permanent and structuring framework to these actions. More isolated in the past, they are now heightened. This network is also meant to reach the associative world.

It hosts a great number of pre-existent activities and it's thanks to its agent tjat laboratories can keep supporting local and national events.

In the network :

  • Maths.en.Jeans (since 1989) : Creation of mathematical workshops in school with the help of mathematicians
  • Discreet Mathematics Club (since 2002) : prepares passionate youth to Mathematics Olympiads. Managed by ICJ scientists at Lyon 1 University and ENS
  • Conferences of Open University : Cycles of thematics conferences organised by Lyon 1
  • MathaLyon (since 2009) : interactive and itinerant exhibition hosted by scientists from ICJ and UMPA in more than 200 classrooms per year. Main for the school public
  • "Unplugged Informatic" Workshop (since 2010) : in 5th grade, hoste by LIP. Part of the many coding activities

Supported Partners and Evens :

  • - Science Day (since 1992) : national event getting together scientists around original animations aimed to all the publics, where they organised workshops and conferences with great success.
  • - Mathematics Rally of Lyon (since 2005) : aimed at 9th and 10th grade students, it is organised by APMEP, Lyon 1 University and Maths Regional School Council
  • - Images of Mathematics (since 2008) : website of outreach articles for mathematicians.