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- Evénements scientifiques
Chercheurs invités
- Chercheurs invités 2021
- Chercheurs invités 2022
- Chercheurs invités 2023
Post-doctorants Milyon
- Post-doctorants 2022
- Post-doctorants 2023
- Publications
- Prix, honneurs, bourses de recherche
- Portraits de chercheurs
- Formation
- Médiation
- Entreprise
Appels à candidature
- Appels en cours
- Étudiants : Bourses d'excellence
- Doctorants : contrats doctoraux
- Post-doctorants : contrats post-doctoraux
- Chercheurs : Aide à la mobilité
- Contacts
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- stankov@math.univ-lyon1.fr
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- http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~stankov/index.html
Thèmes de recherche
"My interests are best described as “I want to do geometry but I don’t want to do PDEs”, which has naturally led me to discrete group geometry. The two main topics that I currently work on are random walks on groups and their Cayley or Schreier graphs and understanding the Følner functions of wreath products and groups with a similar structure.
Keywords: Random walks on groups, Poisson boundary, Cayley graph, Schreier graph, Thompson’s group F, Følner sets, Følner functions"
Keywords: Random walks on groups, Poisson boundary, Cayley graph, Schreier graph, Thompson’s group F, Følner sets, Følner functions"
Activités / CV
Membre du Labex MILYON
01/09/2021 au 31/08/2023
Encadrant et laboratoire d’accueil
Yves Cornulier, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1