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Conference - Representation Theory
From June 26, 2023 to June 30, 2023
Campus LyonTech-La Doua
Institut Camille Jordan
Description in coming
Mini-course :
- Introduction to the category O (Walter Mazorchuk)
- Applications of Satake correspondence (Simon Riche)
First speakers :
Gwyn Bellamy, Magdalena Boos, Raphael Beuzart-Bessis, Giovanna Carnovale, Enrica Floris, Martina Lanini, Timothée Marquis, Emilie Norton, Petra Schwer, David Stewart.
Scientific Comitee :
Julien Bichon (Clermont-Ferrand), Cédric Bonnafé (Montpellier), Cédric Lecouvey (Tours).
Florence Fauquant-Millet (ICJ, Saint-Etienne), Philippe Gille (ICJ, Lyon).
Local Organisation :
Lea Bou Dagher, Luca Francone (ICJ, Lyon).