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HPC Days conference
From April 6, 2016 to June 22, 2016
The HPC Days in Lyon conference aims to bring together the scientific communities around the theme of High Performance Computing, including an update on the recent progress of research in computer science and applied mathematics in this area.
Numerical modeling and simulation have become, for a large part of the scientific community, essential tools for understanding phenomena at the same level as experimentation and prototyping, and at a much lower cost.
As such, the challenges related to the capabilities and performance of numerical calculations are not only scientific but also societal, economic and financial.
Le calcul haute performance s’appuie sur la recherche fondamentale de pointe en mathématiques appliquées et en informatique. L’objectif de ce trimestre thématique est de proposer des événements permettant de rapprocher ces communautés, mais aussi s’ouvrant largement à toutes les disciplines utilisatrices du calcul hautes performances.
Organizing committee
- T. Dumont (ICJ/équipe MMCS)
- V. Louvet (GRICAD/Grenoble Alpes/Infrastructure de Calcul Intensif et de Données)
- N. Revol (LIP/équipe ARIC)
- C. Perez (LIP/équipe Avalon)
- A. Darte (LIP/équipe COMPSYS)
- F. Vivien (LIP/équipe ROMA)
- M. Buffat (LMFA)
Invited Speakers
- Eric Blayo
- Jack Dongarra
- Marc Massot
- Yousef Saad
- Marc Snir
- Eric Sonnendrücker