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Colloque / Séminaire
BRIDGES meeting 2024
Du 24 juin 2024 au 5 juillet 2024
Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corse
This two-week meeting will consist of a summer school (first week) and a conference (second week), focused on current topics at the crossroads of complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian geometry.
BRIDGES: Brazil-France Interplays in Gauge Theory, Extremal Structures, and Stability
This collaborative project sits at the intersection of complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian geometry, organized along three core axes:
- Gauge Theory and Slope Stability
- Canonical Kähler Metrics and K-stability
- G2 Geometry and Special Structures
This two-week meeting will consist of a summer school (first week) and a conference (second week), focused on current topics at the crossroads of complex algebraic geometry and Riemannian geometry