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A Tribute to Krzysztof Gawedzki : a tale of Mathematics and Physics
Du 7 novembre 2022 au 10 novembre 2022
Site de Gerland
Amphithéâtre Merieux - ENS de Lyon
The aim of this conference is to bring together leading researchers on a wide spectrum of themes which reflects the scientific career of our late colleague and friend Krzysztof Gawedzki, who died in January 2022.
The aim of this conference is to bring together leading researchers on a wide spectrum of themes which reflects the scientific career of our late colleague and friend Krzysztof Gawedzki, who died in January 2022. Krzysztof has played a major role in our community, at the frontier between Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, for more than twenty years spent at the ENS de Lyon. This conference will be a tribute to his memory and will also be a major event in Mathematical Physics. The topics of this conference will range from quantum field theory, statistical physics, non-equilibrium systems, to hydrodynamics and open systems, both in their mathematical and physical aspects.
Anton Alexeev; Geneva Univ.
John Cardy; Oxford & Berkeley Univ.
David Carpentier; ENS Lyon
Alain Connes; IHES
Raphael Chetrite; Nice Univ.
Sergio Ciliberto; ENS Lyon
Leticia Cugliandolo; Paris VI Univ.
Jan Derezinski; Warsaw Univ.
Benjamin Doyon; King's College London
Gregory Eyink; Johns Hopkins Univ.
Grisha Falkovich; Weizman Institute
Giovanni Felder; ETH Zurich
Jürg Frohlich; ETH Zurich
Gian-Michele Graf; ETH Zurich
Alice Guionnet; ENS Lyon
Maxim Kontsevich; IHES
Greg Moore; Rutgers Univ.
Nikita Nekrasov; SCGP, Stony Brook Univ.
Itamar Procaccia; Weizman Institute
Laure Saint-Raymond; IHES
Clément Tauber; Strasbourg Univ.
Fabio Toninelli; Vienna Univ.
Jan Wehr; Arizona Univ.
Edward Witten; IAS PrincetonSPEAKERS
Anton Alexeev; Geneva Univ.
John Cardy; Oxford & Berkeley Univ.
David Carpentier; ENS Lyon
Alain Connes; IHES
Raphael Chetrite; Nice Univ.
Sergio Ciliberto; ENS Lyon
Leticia Cugliandolo; Paris VI Univ.
Jan Derezinski; Warsaw Univ.
Benjamin Doyon; King's College London
Gregory Eyink; Johns Hopkins Univ.
Grisha Falkovich; Weizman Institute
Giovanni Felder; ETH Zurich
Jürg Frohlich; ETH Zurich
Gian-Michele Graf; ETH Zurich
Alice Guionnet; ENS Lyon
Maxim Kontsevich; IHES
Greg Moore; Rutgers Univ.
Nikita Nekrasov; SCGP, Stony Brook Univ.
Itamar Procaccia; Weizman Institute
Laure Saint-Raymond; IHES
Clément Tauber; Strasbourg Univ.
Fabio Toninelli; Vienna Univ.
Jan Wehr; Arizona Univ.
Edward Witten; IAS Princeton
Anton Alexeev; Geneva Univ.
John Cardy; Oxford & Berkeley Univ.
David Carpentier; ENS Lyon
Alain Connes; IHES
Raphael Chetrite; Nice Univ.
Sergio Ciliberto; ENS Lyon
Leticia Cugliandolo; Paris VI Univ.
Jan Derezinski; Warsaw Univ.
Benjamin Doyon; King's College London
Gregory Eyink; Johns Hopkins Univ.
Grisha Falkovich; Weizman Institute
Giovanni Felder; ETH Zurich
Jürg Frohlich; ETH Zurich
Gian-Michele Graf; ETH Zurich
Alice Guionnet; ENS Lyon
Maxim Kontsevich; IHES
Greg Moore; Rutgers Univ.
Nikita Nekrasov; SCGP, Stony Brook Univ.
Itamar Procaccia; Weizman Institute
Laure Saint-Raymond; IHES
Clément Tauber; Strasbourg Univ.
Fabio Toninelli; Vienna Univ.
Jan Wehr; Arizona Univ.
Edward Witten; IAS PrincetonSPEAKERS
Anton Alexeev; Geneva Univ.
John Cardy; Oxford & Berkeley Univ.
David Carpentier; ENS Lyon
Alain Connes; IHES
Raphael Chetrite; Nice Univ.
Sergio Ciliberto; ENS Lyon
Leticia Cugliandolo; Paris VI Univ.
Jan Derezinski; Warsaw Univ.
Benjamin Doyon; King's College London
Gregory Eyink; Johns Hopkins Univ.
Grisha Falkovich; Weizman Institute
Giovanni Felder; ETH Zurich
Jürg Frohlich; ETH Zurich
Gian-Michele Graf; ETH Zurich
Alice Guionnet; ENS Lyon
Maxim Kontsevich; IHES
Greg Moore; Rutgers Univ.
Nikita Nekrasov; SCGP, Stony Brook Univ.
Itamar Procaccia; Weizman Institute
Laure Saint-Raymond; IHES
Clément Tauber; Strasbourg Univ.
Fabio Toninelli; Vienna Univ.
Jan Wehr; Arizona Univ.
Edward Witten; IAS Princeton