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Two days in Symplectic Dynamics
Du 29 septembre 2022 au 30 septembre 2022
Site de Gerland
ENS de Lyon
Program :
Lev Buhovsky - Groups of area-preserving homeomorphisms, spectral estimators, and Sikorav's trick
Jean Gutt - Symplectic convexity? (an ongoing story...)
Patrice Le Calvez - The Calabi invariant of an irrational pseudo rotation; a finite dimensional approach
Leonardo Macarini - Symmetric closed Reeb orbits on the standard contact sphere
Eva Miranda - Two sides of a mirror
Daniel Peralta Salas - Hamiltonian dynamics of Gaussian random potentials
Leonid Polterovich - Lorentzian geometry on contactomorphisms, or why flexibility is expensive?
Sobhan Seyfaddini - Comparisons between the C0 and γ metrics and applications